San peregrino santo del cancer
San peregrino santo del cancer

san peregrino santo del cancer

Nowadays, Saint Peregrine Laziosi is the patron of cancer patients. Thanks to his conversion to Catholicism and to his religious fervor, he was granted the opportunity to heal from a terrible illness and to cure other people through his intercession. After death he became the Patron Saint of those suffering from cancer and other terrible illnesses. The miracle of his recovery caused him to have floods of followers in life. Peregrine died in 1345 at the venerable age of eighty-five years. The saint spent the night before the operation in prayer, and the following morning he woke up in good health. As the infection worsened, the amputation of the leg became inevitable. At the age of sixty, he contracted a severe infection in his right leg. Whenever unnecessary, he didn’t allow himself to sit, causing his legs to be sore most of the time.

san peregrino santo del cancer

He adopted an exceptionally austere lifestyle, filled with prayer and the observance of solitude of silence.

san peregrino santo del cancer

Soon converted to Catholicism, Peregrine joined the Servites and later received the Servite habit. During this visit, Benizi was struck by a teenage Peregrine, who repented the moment when the mediator offered him the other cheek. The Pope sent the Servite Philip Benizi to mend fences with the protesting anti-papal party. Saint Peregrine was born in 1260 in Forlì, one of the Papal States at the time, and was openly anticlerical as a youth.

San peregrino santo del cancer